About Meditation

Meditation makes our mind peaceful, and when our mind is peaceful we are happy all the time, even if our external conditions are difficult. Through this understanding we can appreciate the importance of meditation... [read more]

About Khedrubje Centre

We are an oasis of calm in the city of Hull - with a meditation hall, in-house cafe, world peace garden and a car park. We offer a variety of introductory meditation classes, retreats, workshops and an in-depth study programme. [read more]

Featured book:
New Eight Steps to Happiness

This inspiring book reveals essential methods for.. [more] - [buy]

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Upcoming Special Events

Fri 28th Mar - 30th Mar
Special Event:

country retreat

The Four Seals are four key insights into reality that help us understand the true nature of things and experience.. [read more] - [book now]
Sat 5th Apr
Morning Course:

NKT Day Morning

Join us for this special morning event to celebrate NKT Day, a time to reflect on the precious opportunity we have to be.. [read more] - [book now]
Sun 13th Apr

buddhas enlightenment

This special purification and fasting practice is performed together with prayers and prostrations to the 1000-arm.. [read more] - [book now]
Sat 26th Apr
Day Course:

Buddhism & Death

Death is a natural part of life, yet it is often something we avoid thinking about. In this special Death Day course, we.. [read more] - [book now]
Fri 23rd May - 28th May

Spring Festival

This is a wonderful opportunity to experience modern Buddhism in action at an international level and enjoy an inspiring and meaningful spiritual.. [read more]
Thu 5th Jun
Special Event:

Geshela Birthday

On this auspicious day, we come together as a spiritual community to rejoice in the activities of the spiritual guide.. [read more] - [book now]