Prayer sessions

In Buddhism prayers are an important component of training in a spiritual life. They help us to still our mind, connect with enlightened beings, and receive blessings. All our prayer sessions are sung in english and are open to everyone to come along and join in, or you can just sit and listen if you wish. Prayers are an excellent way to open our heart and connect with something beyond ourself. Find below a list of prayers that are run by Khedrubje Buddhist Centre:

Spiritual Guide Prayers

This prayer session is based on the Prayer Books Offering to the Spiritual Guide.

    • Offering to the Spiritual Guide

Powa Prayers

This prayer session is based on the Prayer Books Powa Ceremony.

    • powa ceremony booklet tharpa prayers

WFJ Prayers

This prayer session is based on the Prayer Books Wishfulfilling Jewel.

    • booklet wfj frnt