Spiritual Director: Gen-la Kelsang Dekyong

    • genla dekyong

Gen-la Kelsang Dekyong - General Spiritual Director of NKT-IKBU - is a powerful Teacher of many years standing who is well-known for her ability to convey the essential teachings of Buddha in a clear and accessible way ideally suited for people of this modern age.


She has been a student of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso for thirty years, during which time she has inspired thousands of people around the world through her sincere reliance on her Spiritual Guide, taking his teachings to heart and putting them into practice in every aspect of her life.

Gen-la Dekyong is a highly experienced Buddhist Teacher who has taught at many different centres internationally.

Before her appointment as General Spiritual Director she was the National Spiritual Director of the USA. She is a very powerful Teacher able to make Buddha’s teachings easily accessible and to show through her example how to integrate these teachings into our daily life.


Gen-la has dedicated her life to helping spread Kadampa Buddhism throughout the world by developing meditation centres and Temples in as many countries as possible, and she provides enthusiastic support and encouragement to everyone engaged in these projects.

But busy as she is, she never loses her connection with the people she is dedicated to helping and always has a kind word and wise counsel for whoever she meets.

Manjushri KMC is extremely fortunate to have such a wise, compassionate, and inspiring Teacher.

Festivals taught by Gen-la Dekyong:

Gen-la Dekyong is not currently scheduled to teach any classes